I’m seeing on occupy forums,  a lot of people, separating from one another based on empty concepts named ideologies. The same mistakes of our ancestors.

I posted there this comment:

Occupy movement should be based on the ideology of Humanity.

Make history, being, thinking and acting different than your enemies expect.
They are using your manipulative mind to divide you. An ancient but efficient tool. Escape from your mind, from your ego demands and they cannot touch you any more.

Make history, by making a RealEvolution, not a Revolution. Break your mind slavery. Forget ideologies, concepts, even history. Keep ONLY the humanity.

You cannot resolve a problem with the same mind that provoke it.
The mistake from history will be repeated if we act with the same selfish, segregation and egocentric mind.

This is a fresh and totally different movement. We have unique tools like internet. We can communicate instantly, we can have our own media.

On these forums I’m seeing guys ( probably paid for this ) who are using the same old manipulative tactics. Those so called trolls. But they and their tools, are so evident that, anyone with minimum common sense, can spot them immediately.

Make this without separating from others, based on resentments, ideologies, and empty concepts.

Break your mind slavery and We will make a RealEvolution.

Let it be egoFree


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